Saturday, February 8, 2025


How to become a Referee with Peninsula FC in four easy steps:

STEP #1 

Register for a Referee Clinic through BC Soccer:

Small-Sided Referee Clinic (Mini’s & Super 8) –  12 years of age or older  (One 1-hr online exam + One 7 hour in person session)
Entry Level Referee Clinic (Full Field) – 14 years of age or older (17 self guided online modules + One 1-hr online exam + One 6 hour in person session)

STEP #2 

Once you have completed both portions of the clinic (on-line and on-field) you will need to create a profile on our PowerUp page and submit a volunteer application.  On PowerUp home page– go the Volunteer Now tab on the left hand side and open up the drop down menu and click on Game Official Application.

Households with more than one member participating in the club require individual accounts, each with a unique email address.  As minors are not allowed to create profiles in PowerUp, a guardian (the main account holder) must signup the child first. Once signed up, the minor will have their own account in PowerUp, and can login and complete their duties/assignments within their own profile. To sign up a minor:
  1. Log into your PowerUp MemberZone account for your club.
  2. If the minor is not already in your profile, go to Profile >> Add a Family Member, and complete the entry. Save.
  3. Now, go to Profile >> Edit a Player, and add an email address for the minor. This *must* be a unique email address. Other members of the family cannot share your email.
  4. Once the desired profile is complete, Click the Volunteer Now! Link on the main menu. You will be presented with the available volunteer options based on your club’s setup. You are also presented with the application status of previous applications.
  5. Click Apply Now for the desired family member and season (where there might be more than one available).
  6. Complete the application

STEP #3 

Send an email to the referee coordinator to let them know you have an application that needs to be approved….and download the POWERUP App onto your phone so that you can accept/reject your game assignments, submit game reports and get important referee information, updates and game opportunities that are communicated that way.

STEP #4 

Make sure you have the proper referee uniform and equipment that you will need in order to officiate a game:  shirt, shorts, socks, whistle, A/R flags, yellow/red cards, wrist watch and coin.



If a refresher course is required – please take that when offered

Please  follow STEP #2 and #3 to get yourself back  into the PowerUp system for a new season.


Once you are in our system…games will be assigned to you based on your certification level and age.

Game assignments will be sent to your e-mail (the one in your PowerUp profile).

You can also download the PowerUp APP to receive and accept game notifications.

*When a game is assigned to you, please confirm or decline said game assignment ASAP.

*Please use the SCHEDULE tab on your PowerUp referee page to update your availability for any days or times when you are not available. 

*FIELD MAPS for our Mini’s and LOCATION MAPS for our Super 8 and Full Field games can be found on our Field Location Tab on this website.


Once you have completed a game (as either a lead referee or assistant referee) you will need to submit a game report to the club.  Login to your PowerUp referee profile and access the GAME RESULTS tab to submit a final score for the game.  Scores/Results are not officially kept for Mini or Super 8 games however you will still need to keep track of the score so it can be included in your game report.


Referee’s who complete a full field youth game will also need to file a second game report via the LISA website

LISA Referee Game Reports U14-U18

*Referees will only get paid for PFC assigned games where a game report has been submitted via PowerUp.

*Payment for completed games will be made via e-transfer on a monthly basis unless otherwise notified.

*Peninsula FC will reimburse the clinic costs for any referee who needs to be certified at either the small-sided or entry-level course…and ref’s for the club during the year in which they become certified.  

If you have any issues or questions please email for assistance.

Peninsula FC Referee Pay Scale

2024/2025 RATESu8u10u11u12u13u14u15u16u17u18ADULT
*A/R's will only be assigned to youth "T3" cup games