Saturday, February 8, 2025


*PFC is reliant on parent volunteers to serve as Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Co-Coaches and Managers to run our teams over the course of the season.  Without parents stepping up into these roles…we can’t form teams.  PFC has a dedicated staff coaching team and coaching support system for all of our teams/coaches…even those who have no prior soccer or coaching experience.


BC SOCCER has a Coach Requirement Policy that Peninsula FC adheres to:


If you wish to be a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager at Peninsula FC…please follow the applicable steps as outlined below

*any course fees paid while obtaining your coach training can be submitted to the club treasurer for reimbursement:


STEP #1  – apply to be a volunteer team official

*to be completed by any team official (coach, assistant coach or manager)

1) Create a profile on our PowerUp page and submit a volunteer application as a to be a coach or manager

STEP #2 – get a Criminal Record Check 

*to be completed by any team official (coach, assistant coach or manager)

1) Send an email to to obtain an access code from the club (the access code is for your application only)
2) Click on the BC Government online Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP) link here:   CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK
3) If you already have a CRC – please forward a copy to
Why do you need a CRC:

STEP #3 – complete specific safety training modules through the National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) and VIASPORT 

*to be completed by any Head Coach (Assistant Coaches must only take the Respect in Sport module but are encouraged to take the other courses).  The specific courses you need to take can be found in the BC Soccer Requirement Policy.  BC SOCCER COACH REQUIREMENT POLICY as of May 2023

NCCP Emergency Action Plan – online module (course accessible through the NCCP “LOCKER”)
NCCP Making Head Way in Soccer – online concussion module (course accessible through the NCCP “LOCKER”)
NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two – online module (course accessible through the NCCP “LOCKER”)
NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Training  – online module or home study workshop (pay $70) through  VIA SPORT  then take the test on NCCP “LOCKER”
Respect in Sport – Activity Leader Program – online module (certificate expires after 5 years). BC SOCCER RESPECT IN SPORT

For any NCCP course you will need to go to their website NATIONAL COACHING CERTIFICATION PROGRAM and create a profile in their NCCP LOCKER
All NCCP courses should be free of charge

STEP #4 – complete a CSA Grassroots coaching course applicable for the age level you are coaching

*to be completed by any Head Coach (Assistant Coaches are encourage to also get certified)

The Canada Soccer Grassroots Education program consists of two portions:  on-line and on-field
Coaches must first complete the online theory of the courses via the Canada Soccer Association’s online portal.
Once the online portion of the course has been completed coaches can register for an on-field practical workshop hosted by LISA or any member club.

To compete a CSA coaching course :

1) Create a Coach Centre account here: COACH CENTRE
2) Purchase a CSA “Access Key” to gain access to the on-line portion here:  CANADA SOCCER ASSOCIATION
3) Redeem your CSA “Access Key” here:  CSA REGISTRATION FORM
4) Register for an upcoming on-field workshop here: COACH CENTRE

COACHING CERTIFICATION – additional information

Once you complete the on-line theory portion…it can take up to 10 days before the credit for that pre-requisite gets applied to your Coach Centre account.  You can’t register for an on-field workshop until that credit has is on your account.

The info and email address on the CSA registration form must match your Coach Centre account details.  After you complete that registration, you will receive an email with the login credentials and instructions. To complete the enrolment of the theory course, please login to the e-learning platform and redeem your access key by clicking on the Key Tools option (located at the bottom of your learner view menu).  After redeeming the key, your course will be enabled

What Course do I take?

Active Start Workshop

Designed for coaches of U4 to U6 players and consists of completing 1.5 hours of online training followed by a 2-hour Practical On-Field Workshop.

FUNdamentals Workshop

Designed for coaches of Boys U6-U9 and Girls U6-U8. It consists of completing 1.5 hours of online training followed by a 3-hour Practical On-Field Workshop.

Learn to Train Workshop

Designed for coaches of Boys U9-U12 and Girls U8-U11. It consists of completing 2 hours of online training followed by a 4-hour Practical On-Field Workshop.

Soccer for Life Workshop

Designed for coaches of Boys U13+ and Girls U12+. It consists of completing 2 hours of online training followed by a 4-hour Practical On-Field Workshop.



Medical Information Form

POLICY – Code of Conduct 

BC SOCCER Technical Service Plan