Saturday, February 8, 2025

Constitution and Bylaws

The Peninsula Soccer Club was formed in 1974 to foster and develop the game of soccer within the Saanich Peninsula. The Club was subsequently incorporated under the Society Act of BC on January 9, 1989 as the Peninsula Soccer Association (Registration No. S-24487).

The Club is a member in good standing of the BC Soccer Association, the Lower Island Soccer Association (LISA).

Club business is conducted by a 14 member Board of Directors, elected for a 2 year term. The directors’ positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 10 Directors at Large who are given specific Club duties.

The Club Executive consists of the 14 member Board of Directors and other Society members appointed by the Board for specific Club duties. The appointed directors may participate in Executive meetings, but only the Board of Directors may vote at such meetings.

As a registered society, the Club is required to hold an annual general meeting once every calendar year, with written notice given to each society member at least 14 days in advance. This usually occurs in April following the end of the soccer season.

Download the official Bylaws for Peninsula Soccer Association:

Peninsula Soccer Association Constitution And Bylaws